Celebrate Recovery
We are not currently running at this time. Check in for future updates.
Adult's Ministry

Men's Ministry
Men are called upon to wear different hats: father, son, friend, husband, employer and employee. Our men’s ministry is here to help encourage each man to be faithful to his Creator and his responsibilities in life.
Proverbs 27:17 “As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.”
Our weekly meetings happen on the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month. Check the Upcoming Events calendar for dates.
Click the button below to contact the men's ministry for more information.
Women of Faith
Our women’s ministry, Women of Faith, is inviting all women to join them every Monday at 7pm. The first week of the month we will spend time on church and community projects and the remaining weeks are spent working through a Bible Study together.
Click the button below for more information.

Worship Ministry
Worship is about connecting and communicating with God and attributing worth to Him as our one and only creator and God. Our goal is to become worshipers – not just on Sundays, but every day of the week. Sunday mornings are a collective outpouring of what we practise during the week.
If you are gifted in the area of music and would like to serve the Lord through music, please fill out the application form, or contact Kevin by clicking the "Contact Us" button below.
Below we have 2 Spotify playlists. The first one includes all the songs we sing at North Broadway (expect a few hymns), and the second one includes newer songs we have learned. Check them out!
Celebrate Recovery
Celebrate Recovery (CR) is a Biblically-based, recovery program that addresses our Hurts, Habits, and Hang-ups using a 12-step approach based on the Beatitudes from the book of Matthew.
CR leaders understand your struggles, as they have experienced freedom from addictive and dysfunctional patterns in their own lives. They have been trained to guide people through the 12 Steps/8 Principles, and to provide a safe environment for accountability and building authentic relationships.